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By joining our Network of Professionals

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This is a professional collaboration and NOT a referral-based relationship or networking club. The attorney would typically make a favorable introduction of the retirement professional to their estate planning client and then a no-obligation retirement review is offered. Additional marketing activity is developed as appropriate and mutually agreed.
What do we do?

The dozens of attorneys across the country who make up the Attorney Collaborative Network (“ACN”) understand that legal estate planning doesn’t provide the greatest end result for clients who are seeking a guaranteed estate plan. Many estate planning attorneys provide a binder of documents to their clients as their “estate plan.” But that binder doesn’t guarantee any results. It doesn’t coordinate a client’s wealth, retirement plans, financial accounts, insurance policies, etc., into the legal operations of what an estate plan does.

Retirement Planning & Estate Planning

Plans are more individualized and customized with financial advice.

Take, for example, a married couple with $1,000,000 in qualified IRA assets with two adult children. Sure, a legal document can guarantee that those assets will be split 50/50 to their two kids, but what if that couple very specifically wanted each child to inherit $500,000 for their live endeavors. Taking that into consideration, 50/50 splits or per stirpes designations are very different from the reality of a $500,000 monetary figure.

Explore How we Help your Practice Grow

An elder law attorney can add retirement planning services to their practice by partnering with an experienced retirement planning professional and sharing any insurance commission revenues. There’s no sharing of estate planning legal fees, of course, and the attorney does need to obtain a life insurance license. Check out our products and services below.


In this highly competitive industry, your brand is one of the most effective ways to separate yourself from your competition. Your brand is the face of your business.


The key to a successful seminar is to have a solid process to follow from the inception of the seminar to the close of business with your new client.

Practice Development

A strong foundation is essential to anything being built. That holds true for a business just as much as it does for a building. We have the tools to help you stay strong.

Why Attorney Collaborative Network?

The Benefits of planning your Retirement and Estate plan Together

Much of estate planning is about wealth preservation for yourself, your family and your future beneficiaries. With this generation of retiring and retired clients responsible for deciding so much more about their retirement security, making estate planning and retirement planning decisions together can only improve the outcomes for both.

Near to or early in retirement magnify the client’s risk of running out money later in their lifetime. The timing
of equity and bond market declines is very important. If bad years for the stock market happen early in retirement, your nest egg may not last
your lifetime because you will be spending principal instead of income.

One consequence of having greater planning responsibilities and living much longer is that financial mistakes can have much higher costs and consequences. Whether one seeks professional advice or makes their decisions by himself or herself, the decision-making pressure today is much greater. That pressure does not make for better decisions. It’s probably better to have the advice of others, and especially when those others can be part of your team.

ACN Member Portal Coming Soon!

Hang tight… our ACN member portal will be coming shortly.